Aviation Security Management

This course will train aviation security personnel at managerial level to plan, coordinate and implement the application of airport security preventive measures in accordance with approved programs.

ICAO Regional Training Director - MR. Mohamed Hussein Abdelfattah - T: +20100143 5978 - Email: moh.afattah@egyptair.com

ICAO Regional Training Manager - MR. Mostafa Abdelaal Hassan - T: +2011114382870 - Email: mostafa.abdelaal@egyptair.com 

Course Objectives

On completing the course, the trainees will be able to:

  • Explain the origin and purpose of ICAO aviation security related legal instruments, Annex 17 and the Security Manual (ICAO Doc 8973);
  • Apply basic concepts of management to aviation security and explain the specialist role of the aviation security manager;
  • Plan, develop and organize the human and material resources necessary for the effective operation of an aviation security unit;
  • Plan and administer the financial budget for a security unit;
  • Advise on the development of aviation security programs and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs);
  • Monitor and enforce the implementation of aviation security programs and SOPs;
  • Verify that security personnel are able to implement aviation security preventive measures;
  • Advise on the development of airport emergency plans and manage the security response action necessary in security emergencies involving aircraft, terminal buildings and airport facilities;
  • Take part in an aviation crisis management team as required;
  • Develop and implement AVSEC training for security personnel and other airport workers and users; and
  • Develop and maintain liaison with other airports and outside organizations and agencies

Target Audience

  • Existing personnel at the supervisory level with the potential for promotion to the managerial level, and existing personnel at that level employed by the authority or organization primarily responsible for the application of aviation security preventive measures at airports.


  • Trainees should satisfy the following criteria:
    • Successfully completed the STP 123/BASIC training course or equivalent; and
    • Have written and oral command of the language of instruction.
  • In the case of the recruitment of management personnel from external sources, such personnel should:
    • Have satisfactorily completed secondary school or equivalent education; and
    • Be conversant with the contents of ICAO STP 123/BASIC.
Course Code
10 Days
Price [USD] : 1500.00
Register Here
Course Schedule

10 / 11 / 2024

This Course is Member of

ICAO Aviation Security Courses