Familiarization Data Processing for Students

To Provide students with the training required to handle and process data items either manually or using computer devices.

مدة التدريب 5ايام

Course Objectives

Upon Completion student will have the sufficient knowledge Data Types (numbers, Text, Date and Time) , Tables, Records, Fields. Data Entry Skills, Data Presentation skills.

The student will be able to use this knowledge to collect, sort, manipulate data items, make data calculations , and prepare reports and charts in their work fields, using data processing desktop programed such as Microsoft ExcelTM

Course Contents

Day 1

       ·       البيانات و المعلومات و المعرفة

       ·       البيانات العددية - Numbers

       ·       الجداول الإلكترونية

Day 2 

       ·       طرق تداول و حفظ البيانات

       ·       البيانات النصية - Text

       ·       الوقت و التاريخ – Date & Time

Day 3 

       ·       وسائل إدخال البيانات

       ·       العمليات الأساسية على البيانات

       ·       الرسومات البيانية - Charts

       ·       إعداد التقارير
Day 5 

       ·       أنواع أخرى من البيانات

       ·       أمثلة عملية

Target Audience

All Undergraduate students studying or Working, with Computers in daily tasks .


Data Entry ,Data Collection , Data Analysis.

Evaluation Mean(s)


Certificate(s) Awarded

EgyptAir Training Academy Certificate

Course Code
5 days
Price [EGP] : 3000.00 - For Egyptians Price [USD] : 500.00 - For Non Egyptians
Course Schedule

This Course is Member of

Computer Courses