By standardizing the way you understand the skills gaps in your organization and the training needed to fill them, you can prioritize learning solutions that have the most potential to impact the employee experience and the bottom line of the business.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course the participants will be able to:
Summarize the key concepts of training.
Identify the purpose of the preliminary study.
Analyze the performance problem to identify the causes and what actions needed (training or non-training).
Select the appropriate training strategy.
Analyzing the population to select the most appropriate training program.
Setting the learning objectives.
Applying the suitable post training evaluation technique commensurate to the training objectives.
Summarize the key concepts of training.
Course Contents
Module 1: Introduction
Training Vs. Education
What Is Needs Assessment?
Why Conduct a Needs Assessment?
Importance of Needs Assessment
Used Methods
Module 2: Preliminary Study
Purpose of Preliminary Study
Analyzing a Performance Problem
Preliminary Study Report
Module 3: Job Analysis
Purpose of Job Analysis
The Breakdown of a Job
Subtasks and task elements
Task List
Task Description
Target Audience
Training Managers, Training Specialist, Chief Instructors, Instructors, HR Specialists and HR Managers
High Academic Degree, Good command of English,
Course Code
3 Days
Price [EGP] :
2400.00 - For Egyptians
Price [USD] :
300.00 - For Non Egyptians