Initial Ground B737 NG

Course Objectives

To provide flight crewmembers with the necessary knowledge for
understanding the basic functions of the Aircraft Systems, the use
of individual system components, the integration of Aircraft Sys-
tems, and Operational procedures; upon completion student will be
sufficiently prepared to enter the Flight Training curriculum seg-

Course Contents

General Operation Subject

 Dispatch ,flight release ,or flight-locating procedures
 Weight & Balance Procedures
 Adverse weather practices covering the fol-lowing conditions
 Procedures for operating the aircraft com-munications and navigation equipment in ac-
cordance with the following
 A/C performance characteristics during all flight regimes including

Aircraft systems

 Introduction & A/C Familiarization
 Lighting
 Common Display System Introduction
 Procedures and Checklists
 FMC Familiarization
 Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS)
 Master Caution and Warning System
 Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)
 Electrical System
 Aircraft Fuel System
 Engine Systems
 Navigation
 Auto Flight Control Systems
 Communications
 Reduced Thrust Takeoff
 Bleed Air System
 Air Conditioning System
 Pressurization System
 Ice and Rain Protection
 Standby Flight Instruments
 Weather Radar
 Fire Protection System
 Hydraulic System
 Landing Gear and Brakes
 Flight Controls System
 Ground Proximity Warning System
 Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
 Traffic Alert Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
 Predictive Windshear Warning System
 Emergency Equipment
 Doors, Evacuation, and Ditching
 Flight Deck Security Door
 Forward Airstair
 External Power, Servicing and Ground Han-dling
 MNPS/RVSM Airspace
 Exam


Flight Crewmembers who served in the same capacity on another
aircraft of another group or entering type training for the first time
and preferably have attended an Airline Basic Course (ABC).

Course Code
16 Days
Price [EGP] : 60000.00 - For Egyptians Price [USD] : 1200.00 - For Non Egyptians
Course Schedule

This Course is Member of

Initial Pilots Training Courses