Safety Performance Management

It's the analysis of safety process and procedures to determine how well those systems function

Course Objectives

By the end of this course participants will be able to:

  • Identify SPIs of processes.
  • Select the effective SPIs 
  • Identify safety objectives at the tactical or operational level
  • Apply safety objectives to specific projects, products and processes.
  • Set quantitative, qualitative, leading and/or lagging safety performance indicators.
  • Set SPTs effectively.
  • Monitor and report SPTs.
  • Set Baseline safety performance.
  • Refine SPIs and SPTs.
  • Report on safety performance to help decision maker to identify action required. 
  • Review and update safety objective

Course Contents

Day 1

  • Introduction.
  • Safety performance management.
  • Relationship between States and service providers.
  • Safety performance management and interfaces.
  • Safety objectives.
  • Example of safety objective.

Day 2

  • Safety performance indicators and safety performance targets.
  • Types of safety performance indicators.
  • Qualitative and quantitative indicators.
  • Lagging and leading indicators.
  • Selecting and defining SPIs
  • Defining SPIs.
  • SPIs and safety reporting.

Day 3

  • Setting targets with high-level safety objectives.
  • Setting targets with SMART safety objectives.
  • Additional considerations for SPI and SPT selection.
  • Caveats on setting SPTs.
  • Monitoring safety performance.
  • Baseline safety performance.
  • Refinement of SPIs and SPTs.
  • Safety triggers & STDEVP principle.
  • Caveat on triggers.
  • Identifying actions required.
  • Update of safety objectives.


  • High Academic Degree
  • Good Command In English
  • Attending the Safety Fundamentals and Culture (Initial) 
  • Attending the Safety Risk Management (Initial) 
  • Attending the SMS Implementation and Control Course (Initial) 
3 Days
Price [EGP] : 1800.00 - For Egyptians Price [USD] : 300.00 - For Non Egyptians
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Safety Management Courses