B737 NG to B737 CL Flight Crew Difference Ground Training

B737 NG to B737 CL Flight Crew Difference Ground Training

Required documents:

A photocopy of:

-        the License.

-        National ID / passport.

-        Last attended ground school certificate.

-        Last proficiency check. (to make sure that the pilot has attended the flight school).

Course Objectives

To provide flight crewmembers with the training required to achieve a B737 CL type rating for those pilots who are currently B737 NG rated. This will cover the differences in the use of individual system components, systems integration and nor-mal/abnormal, emergency procedures. Upon completion student will be sufficiently prepared to enter the Flight Training curriculum segment.

Course Contents

·       A/C performance characteristics during all flight regimes.

·       A/C and Engine Systems

Target Audience



A pilot who holds a valid B737 NG commercial pilot license

-        A B737 NG licensed pilot for more than 3 months.

-        The pilot has more than 150 flight hours on the B737 NG.

-        The license must be valid.

-        Duration from last attended B737 NG ground school end date must not exceed 12 months.

Evaluation Mean(s)

·       Exam

Course Code
20 hrs
Up on Request
Course Schedule

This Course is Member of

Initial Pilots Training Courses