A320 to A 330 Cross Crew Qualification Training

A320 to A 330 Cross Crew Qualification Training

Required documents:

A photo copy of:

-        the License.

-        National ID / passport.

-        The attended CCQ ground school certification.

-        Pilot’s log book (to calculate the flight hours)

-        Last proficiency check. (to make sure that the pilot has attended the flight school).

Course Objectives

The objective of the course is to train crewmembers in performing procedures, managing and handling of the aircraft during normal and non-normal operation, without any assistance in reasonable time and provide the necessary knowledge for the aircraft system differences

Course Contents

-        10 hrs of pilot flying (5 FFS training sessions).

Target Audience



A pilot who has a valid A320 commercial pilot license.

-        An A320 licensed pilot for more than 3 months.

-        The pilot has more than 150 flight hours on the A320.

-        The license must be valid.

-        The last attended ground school on A320 end date passed within certain duration (no more than 12 months).

-        The CCQ ground course end date is within 3 months from the start date of flight training.

Course Code
10 hrs FFS
Up on Request
Course Schedule

This Course is Member of

Initial Pilots Training Courses