A340 Flight Crew Initial Flight Training

A340 Flight Crew Initial Flight Training

A photocopy of:

-        the License.

-        National ID / passport.

-        Initial ground school certificate (must start the flight school within 3 month from the ground school end date)

Course Objectives

Flight Phase: The objective of the course is to train crewmembers in performing procedures, managing and handling of the aircraft during normal and non-normal operation, without any assistance in reasonable time.

Course Contents

-        12 hrs of pilot flying (6 FBS training sessions).

-        18 hrs of pilot flying (9 FFS training sessions)

Target Audience



A pilot who holds a valid commercial pilot license and has a valid ground course.

Course Code
30 hrs (12 hrs FBS + 18 hrs FFS.)
Up on Request
Course Schedule

This Course is Member of

Initial Pilots Training Courses