B737 NG Flight Crew Conversion Flight Training

B737 NG Flight Crew Conversion Flight Training

 Required documents:

A photocopy of:

-        the License.

-        National ID / passport.

-        The attended  B737 NG ground course certification.

-        Pilot’s log book (to calculate the flight hours)

-        Last proficiency check. (to make sure that the pilot has attended the flight school).

Course Objectives

The objective of the course is to train crewmembers in performing procedures, managing and handling of the aircraft during normal and non-normal operation, without any assistance in reasonable time.

Course Contents

-        6 hrs of pilot flying (6 FBS training sessions).

-        16 hrs of pilot flying (8 FFS training sessions).

Target Audience



-        Successfully completed B737 NG ground course.

-        Crew member who is already active & valid on another Boeing glass cockpit (NG) aircraft.

Course Code
22 hrs (6 hrs FBS + 16 hrs FFS.)
Up on Request
Course Schedule

This Course is Member of

Initial Pilots Training Courses