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Initial Security Course for Managers
Course Objectives
By the end of this course the trainees should be able to:
Understand the evolution of the threat against aviation and the need for effective counter measures;
The minimum legislative requirements needed to establish a coordinated civil aviation security program;
Use the appropriate reference documentation to assist in the implementation of security programs and procedures;
Recognize the basic measures applied to ensure protection of civil aviation;
Participate in the development and implementation of appropriate Contingency Plans;
Manage Egyptair response to security incidents or major security emergencies;
Implement a quality control program;
Implement the root cause analysis;
Understand the implications of security on design of new facilities;
Implement a Human Resource Management scheme to ensure standards of implementation of security measures are maintained;
Implement the relevant contents of Egyptair Security Program;
Recall the historical statistical data on attacks against civil aviation and appreciate the evolution of the counter measure philosophy;
Discuss, using case studies, the main points of this threat evolution;
Examine in more detail the relationship between threat and risk and appreciate the impact this has on Egyptair operations;
Examine other areas of risk continued Egyptair viability;
The purpose of the international aviation security conventions;
Identify the major principles involved in the formulation of National Legislation;
The purpose and contents of National, Airport and Airline Security Programs;
The purpose and contents of Annex 17;
Understand and utilize the ICAO Security Manual (Doc.8973) as an aid in the implementation of Annex 17 specifications;
Make use of the IATA Security Manual in the development and implementation of an Airline Security Program;
The purpose and contents of the IATA Recommended Security Standards;
Recall how aviation measures are developed to prevent acts of unlawful interference;
Understand the management implications of implementing basic security measures;
The purpose and content of Contingency Plans to respond to AUI;
How such Contingency Plans are developed;
The method to coordinate, evaluate and maintain Contingency Plans;
Other scenarios that require Contingency Plans from a Business Continuity perspective;
The principle of crisis management;
The principals involved in exercising command and control over a security incident;
The functions of Crisis Management Teams (CMT) and Incident Command Centers;
The functions of Airline support to CMTs;
Typical management response to Bomb Threats;
Define the term Quality Control in the AVSEC situation;
The methodology used in the conduct of inspections;
The purpose and methods of system testing;
The relationship 'human factors' has with quality control;
The need for security features to be included into the design phase of new or altered facilities;
The design fundamentals for a civil aviation facility;
Appreciate the demands placed upon designing new facilities to respond to explosive devices;
The preferred material types to be used in aviation constructions;
Understand how human performance affects security measure implementation;
Function and purpose of Job Descriptions;
The benefits and requirement for mandatory background checks on staff;
The benefits of a company code of conduct and conditions of employment;
The function and purpose of Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs);
The requirements and benefits of a Staff Performance Appraisal System;
Staff interview techniques;.
Course Contents
Introduction and course administration
Threats and risks to civil aviation
Legislation and Aviation Security Programe
Aviation Security Reference Documentation
Development of Security Measures
Contingency Planning
Management of Response to Security Incidents and Major Security Emergencies
Quality Control
Closing activities
Target Audience
General Manager
Good command of English
AVSEC basic /recurrent courses
Evaluation Mean(s)
Theoretical Examination at the end of the course.
Certificate(s) Awarded
Course Code
3 Days
Price [EGP] : 2400.00
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Course Schedule
This Course is Member of
ECAA Aviation Security Courses