Ground service Security Initial Course

Course Objectives

By the end of this course the trainees should be able to:

  • Understand the need for security awareness;
  • Be aware of the security procedures at check-in, screening points and boarding gates;
  • Appreciate the need for procedures for the handling, carriage and disposal of restricted and dangerous articles;
  • Assist in the process of protecting and searching aircraft;
  • Implement the security requirements for hold baggage and passenger/baggage;
  • Understand the procedures for handling bomb threats to aircraft on the ground;
  • Employees security responsibility;
  • Protect company assets;
  • The need for Security Awareness when an aircraft is being serviced;
  • The need to safeguard personal items and company documentation;
  • The passenger and baggage security screening process;
  • The procedures for dealing with security-removed items;
  • The supervisor's role in monitoring the passenger boarding security procedures;
  • The role of the supervisor in responding to security emergencies;
  • The process for conducting "Passenger Risk Assessment" questioning;
  • The passenger risk assessment questioning response indicators to suspicious behaviour;
  • The passenger agent's role in the passenger and baggage
  • The Annex 17 Standards relating to the security of hold baggage;
  • Security Control and Screening;
  • The requirements for passenger/ baggage reconciliation;
  • Passenger/baggage reconciliation systems and procedures;
  • Define and classify prohibited items;
  • Recognize improved explosive devices, weapons and dangerous objects;
  • Identify places and methods of concealment.
  • The need for protection of parked aircraft;
  • Procedures to protect unattended aircraft;
  • The appropriate action if aircraft is not protected or security appears compromised;
  • The reasons for aircraft security searches;
  • The types and timing of aircraft searching;
  • The use of search checklists;
  • The action to be taken on finding a suspect item;
  • The correct procedures when dealing with a Bomb Threat Warning;
  • The basic principles of the Bomb Threat Warning Assessment process;
  • The procedures to follow when dealing with bomb threat warning against an aircraft on the ground.
  • Cargo terminal access control.
  • Screening methods &Equipment's.
  • Completion of EU CSD, AWB Stamping.
  • Identification of HRCM and its procedures.
  • Red Origins / damaged / significant damaged shipments .
  • Treatment of Suspect Cargo and Mail procedures.

Course Contents

  • Introduction and course administration
  • Security Awareness
  • Screening Point and Boarding Gate Security Procedures
  • Check-In Security Procedures
  • Hold Baggage Security and Passenger/Baggage Reconciliation
  • Recognition of Prohibited Items and Devices
  • Protection of Aircraft on the Ground
  • Aircraft Security Searches and Checks
  • Bomb Threats – Aircraft on Ground
  • Closing activities
  • Ground Services Course Exam (CARGO ONLY)
  • Completion of EU CSD, AWB Stamping.
  • Identification of HRCM and its procedures. Treatment of Suspect Cargo and Mail.

Target Audience

  • All  Ground Personnel (Cargo, Maintenance, in-flight service, ground service ,and station)


  • High university degree
  • Good command of English


Course Code
3 Days
Price [EGP] : 1800.00
Register Here
Course Schedule

20 / 8 / 2024

This Course is Member of

ECAA Aviation Security Courses