Cabin Crew Qualifying Course

The cabin crew provides excellent service while ensuring their comfort and safety, trainee attends a training 

program with an airline , during training you learn the skills that need to work as a flight attendant 

مدة التدريب 10 أيام (8 أيام نظرى + يومين عملى) (إجمالي 33 ساعة)

تطبق الشروط و الأحكام الواردة في رابط المزيد من المعلومات

Course Objectives

By the end of this course the trainees should be able to:

Acquiring specific Knowledge, skills required to assume groomingand special attention, special meal, communication skills, customer service, first aid , etiquette& protocol, safety and basic indoc.

Course Contents

1-Grooming + Etiquette:

a- What is groomingb

b- What is Etiquette?

c- Service Etiquetted-Why grooming & etiquette are important to C/C

d-Why grooming & etiquette are important to C/C

-Communication skills:

a- Types of communication

b- Importance of communication

c-How communication affected our lives

-Customer service

:a- What is customer service?

b- What passenger wants+ needs?

c-Dealing with challenging pax & handling situations

-Special meals:

a- Kind of special mealsb

b- Alternative of special meals

c-How to serve different kind of special meals?

-General Duties :

a- Cabin crew life style

b-ABC Service B/C & Y/C

6-Dangerous goods:

a- Introduction, hazard class definition

b- D.G. Categories

c-D.G. incident inCabin

7-First Aid

:a- Introduction of first aid

b- Basic life support and evaluation of vital signs

c-Moving a victim

8-General Safety:

a- Introduction

b-Preventive major


a- Aircraft familiarization

b- How to serve

c-Practical service evaluation


:a- Briefing

b- Practical (emergency equipment)


11- Interview Skills

Target Audience

     Individuals (Non-MS)



Evaluation Mean(s)


Course Code
Days10 33H
Price [EGP] : 5000.00 - For Egyptians Price [USD] : 250.00 - For Non Egyptians
Register Here
Course Schedule

This Course is Member of

Cabin Crew Initial Courses Courses for Undergraduate Students