Cabin Crew (B777-300) Difference from (B777-200)Type Training

 Provide Cabin Crew with Understanding The difference between  the Aircraft Type (B777-300) and (B777-200).

 Course Ref: - ECARS PART 121 Sub part N121.417.

                 - Operators Operation Manual.

                 - Operators Safety Manual. 

 Duration : 4 Days/20hours - Theoretical

 Place of Training :Emergency Training Department (ETD)


Course Objectives

 By the End of this Course Cabin Crew  Should be Provide with The Differences of an Aircraft Model of the Same Type Series they are Qualified on .

Course Contents

 - Chapter 1: Introduction 

-  Chapter 2: Control Panels , Chapter (2A) : Cabin Managment System .

-  Chapter 3: Lighting 

- Chapter 4 : Communication

- Chapter 5 : Lavatories 

- Chapter 6: Galleys

- Chapter 7 : Doors Slides and Emergency Exits (overview) 

- Chapter 8 : Emergency Equipment 

- Chapter 9 : Non-normal Situation Guidelines 

- Chapter 10: Electronic Devices 

- Chapter 11: Miscellaneous

Target Audience

 - Cabin Crew 


 -High Academic Degree / High school

- Good Command of English

- Fit to Fly

Evaluation Mean(s)

-Theoretical Examination MCQ 

- Examination Pass Grade 70 %

Certificate(s) Awarded

A certificate accredited by the Academy is granted to private companies that are not accredited by the Egyption Aviation Authority. 

Course Code
1 DAY/ 5 HRS
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This Course is Member of

Cabin Crew Initial Courses