Cabin Crew (E170/175/190/195) Transitional Type Training

This course is predicated on the fact that the Cabin Crew has been qualified on another aircraft .

 Course References : - ECARs part 121 subpart N 121.415
                              - Air Transportation Operations inspectors hand book Department of transport FAA book Volume 3 section 3
                              - Operator's Operation Manual
                              - Operator's Safety Manual

 Place of Training :Emergency Training Department (ETD). 

Course Objectives

 To provide Cabin Crews with an understanding of the aircraft type (E1 E170/175/190/195) to which the Cabin Crews will be assigned thus is enabling the Cabin Crews to perform required duties and procedures in routine, abnormal, and emergency situations.



Course Contents

- Airplane Description

 - Control Panel

 - Communications

 - Flight Attendant Station Controls

 - Doors and Exits

 - Emergency Exits

 - Doors and Exits  

 - Airstair

 - Galleys

 - Lavatory

 - Water and Waste

 - Lighting




Target Audience

 - Cabin Crew


 - High Academic Degree / High school

 -  Medical Fit

 - Good Command of English 


Evaluation Mean(s)

 - Theoretical Examination at the end of each module.

-  Examination Pass Grade 70 %

Certificate(s) Awarded

 - A certificate accredited by the Academy is granted to private companies that are not accredited by the Egyption Aviation Authority. 

Course Code
C2 -175
3 Days/16HOURS
Price [EGP] : 5000.00
Course Schedule

This Course is Member of

Cabin Crew Initial Courses