-To qualify candidate Instructors, provide them with complete understanding of instructor role in a company, how to perform Training Needs Analysis TNA and to use all available resources and training aids giving him the required instruction, class management, and communication skills and techniques.
- Course References :- ECAR’s advisory circular 10
- Air Transportation Operations Inspector's Hand Book, Department of Transportation FAA Book 1 VOL 3 Chapter 14 Section 5
- Place of Training : Emergency Training Department (ETD
- For better recognition and utilization of all available resources to achieve safe and efficient flight operation
- To expand and increase crewmembers knowledge, skills and attitudes in effective management of all available resources and their most valuable resource "themselves
- Explain the history and basic concepts of CRM, and how these concepts can improve the communication and interpersonal skills, crew team effectiveness, leadership skills, problem solving, decision making and decrease the risk of an accident or incident
- Module 0 : Introduction
- Module 1: CRM Introduction
- Module 2: Communication
- Module 3: Error chain
- Module 4: Human Element
- Module 5: Situational Awareness
- Module 6: Teamwork synergy and Leadership
- Module 7: SOP
- Module8: CRM Loop
- Module 9: C.F.I.T
- Good command of English language (written and spoken )
- High Academic Degree / High school Microsoft Power point capabilities
- Theoretical Examination
- Presentation Assessment
- Feed Back Assessment
- Examination Pass Grade : 70%
-A Certificate Accredited By the Academy.