§ Recognize how to pamper our customers. § Enhance communication Skills with customers. § Improve our positive attitude when dealing with customers. § Define types of people. § Recognize Emotional intelligence Practice English expressions / telephone etiquette
دورة للتعرف علي المشاكل المحتملة والفعلية وكيفية التعامل معها وإيجاد حلول بديلة للمشاكل المعقدة والعلاقة بين المشكلات والفرص وكيفية وضع خطة عمل لتقييم نتائج القرارات المتخذة
-To qualify candidate Instructors, provide them with complete understanding of instructor role in a company, how to perform Training Needs Analysis TNA and to use all available resources and training aids giving him the required instruction, class management, and communication skills and techniques.