The Arabian Section of the Ninety-Nines Fifth Annual Meeting in Egypt

EGYPTAIR Hosts the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Arabian Section of the Ninety-Nines Female Pilots Organization

The Ninety-Nines is the international organization of women pilots that promotes advancement of aviation through education, scholarships, and mutual support while honoring our unique history and sharing its members' passion for flight. To quote Amelia Earhart, "fly for the fun of it!” Established in 1929 by 99 women pilots, the members of The Ninety-Nines, Inc., International Organization of Women Pilots, are represented in all areas of aviation today. 

Different Culture, Same Passion...

The Arabian section of the Ninety-Nines is the fastest growing section over-seas. Under the dynamic input of Alia Twal, Governor of the Arabian section, the number of members has quadrupled in just two years to reach more than 105 members today.

Challenges faced by female pilots in this part of the world are in many aspects comparable to those faced by the 99 pioneers that set up the association almost hundred years ago. The Arabian section of the Ninety-Nines is this amazing sisterhood made of strong friendships amongst its members.

Learn How To Fly! Training Day

EGYPTAIR Training Academy will conduct a training day for the members of the organization during the Fifth Annual Meeting, on 29 October 2017. The day will include several activities for the guests, such as, Welcome Ceremony, Facility Tours, Simulators Training, and Emergency and Evacuation Training.

Members will be divided into groups for each activity, spending the whole day in EGYPTAIR Training Academy.

Group A: Simulator Group B: Simulator Group C: CEET Group D: CEET

Alyah H Altwal

Alia Al Twal

First Officer A320 Royal Jordanian. Governor of the Arabian Section since 2011 Alia is the FIRST Arab governor of the Arabian Section.

Simulators Training

In this group, each member will learn the feeling of Fly by Wire, as not all the members are airliners, so those who are not in the Airlines and flies Jet Airplanes will learn how to manage the Jet Airlines by flying one approach, between take off, and some maneuvers, approach and landing. Members will know the sensation and the sensitivity of fly by wire. Training will be on both Boeing and Airbus Simulators, to learn the difference between the two styles of flying.


A demonstration will be provides by Academy instructors on how to recover from emergencies such as:

  • Wind Shear
  • TCAS ( Traffic Collision Avoidance System),  when 2 aircrafts are head to head with each other on the same level, what each pilot show do, what the indication they will get.
  • GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System, when the Airplane is so close to the surface without being in landing configuration or with no selected Airport to land,
     example, flying in IMC condition (bad visibility) and there is a mountain in front of you.
  • How to recover Emergency decent.

Emergency Evacuation Training

Severe Turbulence

Want to know what does a sever turbulence feel like? And what actually to do..? That's what we will learn in demonstrating the Sever Air Turbulence.

Emergency landing

  • Duties of the pilots.
  • How to evacuate the plane with sliding out of it.


  • What if we had to land on a water?
  • What is my duties as a pilot?
  • How to manage my raft after disconnecting it from the plane?
  • How to create a shelter to protect from the sun and rain?
  • How to survive with the emergency kit with have left ?


