15/03/2025 To 21/03/2025 (Ver-0 ) Issue dated 13/03/2025 ( Time 13:04)
Schedule Duration |
From |
15 |
03 |
2025 |
TO |
21 |
03 |
2025 |
Morning ¢ |
Afternoon £ |
Remote Classrooms £ |
اسم الفرقة / نوعية المتدربين Course Name/Trainees Type |
الفصل Class |
الفترة Duration |
Topic / Instructor الموضوع / المحاضر |
ملاحظات Notes |
Satالسبت |
Sunالأحد |
Monالإثنين |
Tueالثلاثاء |
Wed الأربعاء |
Thuالخميس |
Friالجمعة |
Hrs. |
Days |
15/03 |
16/03 |
17/03 |
18/03 |
19/03 |
20/03 |
21/03 |
EgyptAir Flight Training |
S201 |
2 |
Performance B737-800 |
Eng.Mostafa Morsy |
Dispatchers Recurrent Courses “EgyptAir Flight Training” |
S203 |
5 |
Instructors from Flight Operation |
B787 / B777 |
B737-800 |
A320 /A330 |
Eng.Amr Eissa |
Eng.Ehab Mohamed |
Eng.Ameer Shehata |
Technical Department |
S205 |
5 |
Technical Department |
B777 Recurrent Ground Course “ Pilots” |
S215 |
20 |
4 |
Avionics |
Electric |
Performance |
Air Frame |
Power Plant |
Eng.Karima Farag |
Eng.Ehab Mohamed |
Eng.Ehab Gouda |
Eng.Ehab Mohamed |
Eng.Ahmed Emam |
Emergency Department |
5 |
Emergency Department |
Technical Department |
5 |
Technical Department |